Meeting Craig

16 May

It’s rare, but on occasion, we have an opportunity to witness something extraordinary. I mean…something… life changing.  I had such an opportunity this past Saturday.

So, I think I’ve written here before how I’m not a big reader but I’m a big fan of what I affectionally call, “Shot in the arm books.” You know, books that you can read rather quickly that give you some insight on life, parenting, love or business.

A few years ago, I think after I watched Oprah one day, I bought the book, Me to We by Craig Kielburger. I read it, then gave it to Evan and he read it and I became an instant stalker fan.

Fast forward to this weekend, I went to my regional conference; a conference that I’ve been to a billion times before…or at least 10. And of all those conferences that I have been to over the years, this was by far the best one!

We heard some great news about our industry, we learned lots of great stuff, we ate great food,  I got to hang out with loads of my peeps, from Lighthouse and from around Atlantic Canada, and we even got to pick up some hardware, receiving such awards as Best Community Service, best promotion, Best advertising opportunity, even Best General Excellence, which is as good as they come.

And all of that didn’t really compare to listening to Craig Kieburger speak. He was…well there isn’t a word to describe him, except that I feel more relevant today than I did last week.  And I have no idea just what I’ll do with what he told me; how we can change the world, both on a local and global level. But I knew as soon as I met him, I was going to have a picture to show Evan that I met Craig Kielburger.

As adorable as he is, he’s even more authentic.  I told him that I loved his book and that my son read it and that I have passed it along to at least a half-a-dozen others.  I also told him that I was looking into his leadership camp for Evan this summer in Antigonish, but that I had to get a hotel to be close to the campus where he’ll be staying.

His reply: My mother let me go to Kenya when I was twelve.  I think you can probably let him go to Antigonish for leadership camp.

 Touché Craig.

2 Responses to “Meeting Craig”

  1. Jen May 17, 2012 at 10:29 pm #

    That is awesome!!

  2. Bernadette Jordan May 25, 2012 at 4:41 pm #

    I have been fortunate enough to hear Craig speak twice and his brother Mark speak once. What did their mother do to raise such incredible young men? And he’s right, Evan can go to leadership camp in Antigonish on his own! Brilliant comeback.

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