And then…

9 Jul

If I know you, and I think that I do, I know you’ve been wondering why I’ve not posted like my normal blogging self.  And if you knew me, like I think that you do, you’ve figured out that I’m up to something.

See, I wrote Oh Brothers for many many years, until I felt a little uncomfortable writing about the kids and I got hate mail because I wrote that people should marry whoever they want.  Then I started Her-land, which was fine, I wrote about stuff other than the boys and I got more hate mail for not writing about the boys.

It appears that you missed them, and why wouldn’t you, they rock!

But it would appear, after doing such courses as Start A Blog that Matters, and now, undergoing Marie Forleo’s B-School (which is amazing BTW), that I no longer care about spray painting tin cans and wrapping mason jars with twine.  It appears, after a great deal of soul searching, that what gets me going goes much deeper than paint.

Then, a few nights ago, I was having drinks with a few friends, celebrating Daveda and Keiths 20th wedding anniversary, when we started talking about old times, and then old blogs.  We laughed as Sarah recalled me going home with one of her shoes and one of mine, only to realize it the next day.  “And I remembered you blogged about it and it read exactly like it happened!” she exclaimed.

She was right, I do have a knack for telling stories, thou sometimes embellished.

I do soooo love story telling.

So now, I don’t know where I am with this blog.  Do I write about the kids, about food, about my delightfully colorful past, I mean, what do I do with this space?

I’ll figure it out.  But in the meantime, thanks for checking in.  I’ll be back, in one form or another.

5 Responses to “And then…”

  1. SuzR July 10, 2012 at 12:30 pm #

    Tina, as long as you keep writing I will keep reading! 🙂 xo

  2. Pam July 10, 2012 at 2:46 pm #

    Whatever you chose, I have no doubt it will be successful. BTW…I have a story idea for you 🙂

  3. Beth July 12, 2012 at 1:12 pm #

    I enjoy reading whatever you blog about. I find it very interesting! 🙂

  4. Jennifer July 12, 2012 at 3:00 pm #

    Tina, I love your blog. I always find inspiration or a smile every time I read it! Thank you for that!

  5. Jim D July 20, 2012 at 2:32 am #

    You know you have my attention! It’s all good stuff, just keep writing. I’m envious, as I wish I could be so diligent!

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